Fast 5ive Zine
I love Zines. I always have and I always will. I love everything about them. Their DIY nature, their size, their design, their content. It’s all just a little bit awesome in my book, and the origin of the zine is a music lovers journey, deep diving all the way back to the 70s (and even before that if you want to be pedantic) and the global punk scene. Crazy creative kids everywhere getting down with glue, sticky tape, a typewriter, and the good old photocopier to produce informative works of printed art featuring bands, artists, and just about anything you can think of.
I’ve been making zines myself since I was 16 years old, and I just can’t get enough of them. That’s why I started Fast 5ive Zine, and Loaded with Robots. I just couldn’t help myself. Even when I’ve already over-committed myself to a bunch of stuff I’ll always make time for the making, and though I create my zines on a computer these days, the original vibe and passion is still the same. The thing I love most about doing Fast 5ive Zine especially is that I get to speak to some of the most brilliant bands, artists, tattooists, jewellery designers, photographers and makers of awesome things and write about them, and we also get to share the fantastic photos of our wonderful Fast 5ive photographer @r0b0p1x . Plus who doesn’t love the feeling of printing something and holding it in your hands, flipping the pages and just drinking it all in.
I’m super proud of all my zines, but really I also just want to encourage others to create more zines! It’s not easy peasy and it’s a lot of work, but bloody heck it’s fun and rewarding and just a super cool thing to do!
You can find Fast 5ive Zine here:
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Thanks for reading xo